Christian Apologetics Comprehensive Christian Apologetics Directory
Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse | Jeff Zweerink, Rabbi Elie Feder, and Rabbi Aaron Zimmer
Was Jesus a Failed Prophet? (w/ Darrell Bock)
SEAN MCDOWELLWhen God Becomes Real
If Perfect Love Casts Out Fear, Why Fear God?
Reacting to R.C. Sproul, Robby Dawkins, and Mel Gibson
Muslim Debate: Is Allah Self-Contradictory?
THADDEUS BILLMANAtheist Completely DESTROYS Argument He Made Up
TIM BARNETTAre the Things We Claim Are Complex Really Complex?
GREG KOUKLIf I’m Not Being Persecuted, Does That Mean I’m Not Living a Godly Life?
STAND TO REASONFine-Tuning and the Multiverse
REASONS TO BELIEVEHow Should Christians Think About War? Scott Rae Interview
JONATHAN MORROWGod and Evil: Interview with Kyle Keltz
REASONS TO BELIEVEThe Road Back – Trevor Lancon’s Story
JANA S. HARMONPERSPECTIVE-Taking The Bad With The Good - 11:17:24, 4.18 PM
STEVEN GAROFALO#1 American Girl and the Trans-ing of Kids
SAM SHAMOUNHow Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends? | Sean McDowell
MITCH ALDRIDGENov/Dec 2024 Newsletter
REASONS TO BELIEVEIs the Bible Inspired?
JONATHAN NOYESAllah Says NO to Many Islamic Prayers Every Day
The difference between love from YHWH vs Allah
Music Points to a Creator
KENNETH R. SAMPLESWelcome to Voices
FAZALE RANA, PHDRadical Discipleship
EDMUND CHAN4.50 out of 5 stars
A Certain Kind
EDMUND CHAN4.90 out of 5 stars
Apologetics in Africa
KEVIN MURIITHI NDEREBA5.00 out of 5 stars
Global Perspectives on Science and Christianity
MIKE BROWNNUTTConversational Evangelism
DR. DAVID GEISLER4.70 out of 5 stars
Under Investigation
KATHRYN V. CAMP, D.MIN.Reasons for Faith
NORMAN L. GEISLER4.30 out of 5 stars
God, Evil, and Morality
J. BRIAN HUFFLING5.00 out of 5 stars
Christian Apologetics Journal
SOUTHERN EVANGELICAL SEMINARY SESDoes the Bible Err? The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center. Volume 7, Number 6.
DR. RICHARD G. HOWECritical Thinking vs. Shariah: Can Allah Communicate the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
JONATHAN LEEMAN4.50 out of 5 stars
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