Does the Bible Err? The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center. Volume 7, Number 6.


For centuries, skeptics have sought to undermine the authority of the Bible by pointing out perceived errors and contradictions. But what if these supposed flaws are not as insurmountable as they seem? In "Does the Bible Err?", a team of scholars tackles the toughest challenges to the Bible's integrity, from alleged historical inaccuracies to claims of scientific impossibilities. By examining the evidence and exploring the nuances of biblical scholarship, this journal equips Christians to confidently affirm their faith in the face of criticism. Rather than simply asserting the Bible's inerrancy, "Does the Bible Err?" provides a thoughtful and informed response to the skeptics, demonstrating that the Bible remains a trustworthy and inspired revelation from God.


Jason Dollar


Dr. Richard G. Howe


Craig Branch


Steven B. Cowan


Robert B. Stewart

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Areopagus Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center

The Apologist Project

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