
Explore the Resurrection with Jonathan Morrow ||

Start Growing Your Faith Today Through This New Online Course || Powered by Impact 360 Institute

What makes Explore the Resurrection different is that it presents the latest historical evidence in a visually engaging way that connects with everyday people on the go. After carefully walking through the material in this online course, you'll be equipped to confidently settle the matter in your own mind. You'll not only learn why the resurrection of Jesus is the best explanation of the historical facts, but you’ll also understand how it affects you personally and then be ready to confidently and clearly share this evidence with others.

Digital Course Features:

9 accessible sessions (over 2 hours) of visually engaging teaching

Access over 2 hours of exclusive bonus video interviews with leading scholars (John Lennox, William Lane Craig, Sean McDowell and Michael Licona)

Fully mobile responsive site for learning on the go

Ability to resume learning exactly where you left off, including mid-video, on all your devices

Interactive review questions for each session and an extensive workbook to solidify learning

Helpful youth/adult discussion guides that get everyone engaged

Perfect for self-guided or small group study

Maintained by Impact 360 Institute.


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