Impact 360 Institute


We exist to inspire and equip the next generation of disciples to know Jesus more deeply, be transformed in their character, and live with Spirit-empowered influence. Because all truth is God’s truth, we reject the idea that reality is to be carved up into the artificial categories of sacred and secular. As Christ-followers we are called to live every aspect of our lives under God’s authority and for God’s glory. Classical thinkers referred to this as Coram Deo (literally “before the face of God”). How we think and how we live go together, and are all based in this reality. Through biblical worldview education, community-based discipleship, leadership coaching, vocational mentoring, and missional opportunities, students can live as change agents in their communities. Impact 360 Institute serves high school graduates through their 9-month Impact 360 Fellows experience, teenagers for one and two weeks through Impact 360 Immersion and Propel, and young professionals through Impact 360 Residency.

Maintained by The Apologist Project.

Christian Apologists Managed by Impact 360 Institute

Mitch Aldridge

Christian Apologetics Content Managed by Impact 360 Institute

What is Progressive Christianity?

What is Progressive Christianity?

What Do You Do with Your Doubts?

What Do You Do with Your Doubts?

How Do I Grow?

How Do I Grow?

Why Is There Suffering and Evil?

Why Is There Suffering and Evil?

Is the Bible Reliable?

Is the Bible Reliable?

Explore Truth Session One: Whatever Happened to Truth?

Explore Truth Session One: Whatever Happened to Truth?

How Do We Help the Next Generation Follow Biblical Ideas About Justice? | Thaddeus Williams

How Do We Help the Next Generation Follow Biblical Ideas About Justice? | Thaddeus Williams

How Does Helping Sometimes Hurt? | Thaddeus Williams

How Does Helping Sometimes Hurt? | Thaddeus Williams


Christian Apologetics Collections Managed by Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Institute

Impact 360 Institute

The Apologist Project

We Need Your Support

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