Reason for Truth
Description® (National Apologetics Training Center®) is a teaching and discipleship ministry committed to training believers in Christ to impact their world with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Reason for Truth® works hand in hand with churches and para-church ministries to encourage, teach, train, and equip believers to develop a Biblical worldview so that they can passionately share their faith in order to advance the truth of God in Jesus Christ. We train you to be able to reason for Truth with compassion and the factual truth in effort to effectively defend and share the Christian faith . Other Resources RFT offers is an Online Training Resource called "EQUIPPED ACADEMY".
The mission of Reason For Truth is to equip both the hearts and the minds of today’s Christians in the twenty-first century church. Our desire is to assist churches and para church organizations to defend and advance the Gospel by identifying objections to the Christian faith and refuting those objections with rational arguments based on Biblical truth. Giving a defense is only half the equation. In addition to equipping for a defense, we also train believers to be able to give positive, proactive, and truthful reasons for why the Gospel is the truth of God. This includes giving a biblical, philosophical, scientific, and metaphysical reason for Christianity. "For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people". 1 Peter 2:15. A.W. Tozer speaks to the importance of giving correct "interpretations" of truth.
“In this hour of all-but-universal darkness, one cheering gleam appears: Within the fold of conservative Christianity, there are to be found increasing numbers of people whose religious lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. They are eager for spiritual realities and will not be put off with words, nor will they be content with correct “interpretations” of truth. They are thirsty for God, and they will not be satisfied until they have drunk deep at the fountain of living water.”
A. W. Tozer Chicago, Ill. June 16, 1948 (Preface : In Pursuit of God)
Equipping a new generation (of all ages) to defend and advance the truth of God through the use of Apologetics and Evangelism. This starts with the mind set of giving correct interprestations of truth and being able to Reason For Truth.
Today’s attacks on the traditional Christian faith and the lack of training focused on equipping Christians to give biblical answers has led to the creation of Reason For Truth and the National Apologetics Training Center (NATC www.ReasonForTruth.Org and
The Church has been given the mandate of not only presenting the gospel message to the world, but also explaining and defending the truth of that message. We have taken years of academic training and worked to be able to communicate complex ideas in simple terms.
RFT's goal is to train Christian leaders and the Body of Christ to be able to give reasonable answers for the Christian faith. While some in the church may be wary of this approach, we find the Apostle Paul reasoning from the Scriptures with his opponents in the synagogues and debating with skeptical philosophers, challenging worldviews in the Areopagus.
If Theism is true, then miracles are possible. If miracles are possible, then we have a reliable message that came from God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ who was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried, and rose again. The historical reliability and trustworthiness of the New Testament documents can be established through such disciplines as archeology, the fulfillment of prophetic writings, the historical event of the resurrection, etc.
Reason for Truth explores these and many other issues that confront the church, with you and your ministry.
Maintained by The Apologist Project.
Christian Apologists Managed by Reason for Truth
Christian Apologetics Content Managed by Reason for Truth

When God Becomes Real
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