The Apologist Project
The Apologist Project exists to further the gospel of Jesus Christ by engaging the minds of non-believers and believers alike. We work to break down barriers to belief through intellectually stimulating discourse and conversational AI trained on a range of topics under the banner of apologetics. These include — but are not limited to — theology and philosophy, earth and biological sciences, and comparative religious and cultural studies.
Relatively recent advancements in processing power and ways of utilizing interconnected data have given rise to Artificial Intelligence, computer systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. We want to be on the forefront of using this new technology to advance the Kingdom of God by ministering to people in the medium they use.
Today’s working professional is educated, technologically savvy, and distracted by information overload. We need to meet them where they are and speak to them in ways they respond to. The Apologist Project develops online products that present God’s truth in appealing, modern packages. You can help.