Dealing with Islam & Muslims
See our website http://www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM & our playlist "Dealing with Islam, Muslims: Sunni, Shi'ite, Alawites, Sufis" with 95 videos & counting at Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (Youtube channel CANSWERSTV at presents Christian Islamic experts Sam Shamoun ( & David Wood ( in an informative presentation on why the Muslim prophet is a false prophet based on Biblical & moral standards. Sam & David draw on authoritative Muslim sources (Qur'an & the hadiths) & Islamic scholars to prove their points about Muhammad which they then demonstrate how Muhammad fails the Biblical test for being a true prophet of God as well as failing the moral test of prophetic holiness.
1. Muslims reject words of previous prophets; the claim they are corrupted. Yet Sura 5:46-48 says Jesus confirmed the law and the gospel. The Dead Sea Scrolls have the Old Testament from the Jesus’ time.
If Allah were not powerful to preserve the law of Moses and the gospel of Jesus, Allah would not be powerful enough to preserve the message of the Qur’an. If Allah could preserve the message of the Qur’an, He could preserve His Word before then too.
2. Islam rejects prophets teaching that God is a Father. This is affirmed by Jews, Christians, and frequently in the Old and New Testaments.
While God is not a Father in a sexual sense, He is both an adopted Father to believers, and He specially begot Jesus before time began. God is clearly a Father in the copies of scripture we have at the time of Jesus.
3. Jesus taught that He is the Son of God and accepted Worship as God. The Qur’an rejects this. Even early pagan writers acknowledge this is what was taught.
4. Allah deceives – even all the followers of Christ. Yet the Bible says God does not lie (Num 23:19; 1 Sam 15:24) In the Qur’an Allah is the greatest of schemers, fooling all His early followers into thinking Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.
Some Errors in the Qur’an
5. Zul Qarnain: the sun does not set in a muddy spring
Muslim historians show that this idea in Sura 18:85-86, that the sun really goes down into a muddy spring at night, was literally believed, and misled Muslims until recently.
6. There was no mosque in Jerusalem in Mohammed’s alleged Night Journey (Sura 17:1)
The site in Jerusalem of the destroyed Jewish temple, and the future al-Aqsa mosque, was a garbage dump in Mohammed’s time, as documented by Muslims. Mohammed claimed to visit a building that did not exist. Non-Muslims would question why Palestinians felt the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade needed to exist.
Changes in the Qur’an
7. Major rewrite: Daughters of Allah in Sura 53
Four early and seven later Muslim biographers document that Sura 53 originally said, "Have ye seen [the pagan goddesses] Lat, and ‘Uzza, And another, the third, Manat? These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) Whose intercession is to be hoped for." The hadiths and Qur’an also admit that when Revelations came, Satan also sent counterfeit "whisperings"
8. Variants: Mohammed’s secretaries, ‘Ubai bin Ka’b and others had fewer or more suras. It is a falsehood when some Muslims say the Qur’an has no variants.
While some Qur’anic verses were left in but abrogated (i.e. not to be followed after a brief time), the hadiths and Muslim historians document verses and even suras silently removed. The newly discovered early San’a/Yemeni Qur’an also showed many variants.
Violence of Mohammed and Early Muslims
9. Mohammed ordered torture at least twice
Kinanah bin al-Rabi’ was slowly burned because he did not want to tell where his treasure was. The other case was on a tribe that killed people Mohammed sent to tell them to drink camel urine for their ailments.
10. Mohammed ordered assassinations Ka’b bin Ashraf maligned Allah and his messenger [i.e. Mohammed]. Ka’b bin Ashraf trusted the assassin, but Mohammed specifically allowed the assassin to say anything and betray him.
al-Aswad (He claimed he was a prophet too, so Mohammed used violence to silence him.)
Khalid bin Sufyan (Mohammed heard he was gathering a force)
"Beware of false prophets" - Matthew 7:15
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