We NEED Substitutional Atonement in Islam + Christianity ft. Testimonies + Resurrection Celebration
We hosted a resurrection celebration for Easter! Come hear why substitutional atonement / substitutionary atonement is necessary in Judaism, Christianity, and EVEN ISLAM!! We will also be sharing examples of why we NEED Christ's sacrifice for our own sins by sharing our testimonies and how we ourselves have been saved. Furthermore, we'll demonstrate how the ENTIRE Bible, beginning to end, points to Christ! Christians and Muslims were both invited to come join us live.
This was a long one. So much fun! We hope you find it helpful. 😁🥰
Timestamps (IN PROGRESS, Improving Later)
00:00:00 - Welcome
00:00:54 - Opening Prayer
00:01:41 - Topics Overview
00:02:33 - Guest Introductions
00:02:39 - Thaddeus Introduction : @ReasonedAnswers
3:25 David H.’s intro
4:50 N.Serpico intro : @nicodemusserpico77
7:30 Books of the Bible (pointing to Christ) game
7:45 Thaddeus on the Book of Isaiah - OT pointing to Christ
14:30 NewtonSciFi intro
16:15 Isiah 53 discussion continued
20:50 David H. on Genesis 53, “The Proto-Evangelion”
31:45 UI Josh intro
32:50 N.Serpico on Revelations and “a taste of grace”
37:20 Christian Hijab intro
39:20 NewtonSciFi on the Book of Malachi
44:25 Genesis 22
46:55 Radar Apologetics intro
48:30 Quran- Surah 37 on sacrifice
51:45 Radar Apologetics on Exodus 12
55:00 Surah 4:31 – degrees of sin in Islam
1:01:00 UI Josh on the Gospel of Matthew
1:05:00 Lin Si intro on WAFM
1:08:25 Lin Si how the Book of Isaiah continuously points to Christ
1:10:50 Neil (from India) intro & his spiritual journey
1:23:35 Usama Dakdok being silenced by for exposing Islamic tyranny
1:32:30 refocusing on discussion topic
1:35:10 Neil on Leviticus, goat in the wilderness & sacrifice of lamb
1:45:35 St. John the Forerunner proclaims Jesus Christ is the Lamb
1:49:30 Typical Islamic dawah, taqiyya, ignorant & hypocritical polemics
1:53:05 Islamic substitutional atonement, Surah 4:157 the crucifixion, yellow heifer
2:02:00 Hebrews “blood for blood” human sacrifice
2:08:30 Deuteronomy 8:15 Christ, the Rock, the Living Water
2:13:10 miraculous congruent narrative of true scripture, vs. Quran’s indiscrepancies
2:22:30 Israel Ramirez intro
2:25:00 Sister K intro
2:31:20 is Easter pagan
2:36:15 the Hebrew serpent connection
2:43:45 Sister K on 1 Samuel
2:49:00 Messiahs anoint, but Jesus unifies & is greatest of all
2:53:00 Christian institutions you don’t notice
2:55:15 Godlogic Apologetics intro
3:10:00 Avery on Proverbs 30
3:14:00 Sister K on Exodus 34
3:17:25 House of Hikmah intro
3:18:45 Wyatt on Philemon
3:27:00 Anam intro
3:30:00 A liberal perspective on the history
3:39:30 The liberal perspective corrected
3:46:15 Anam’s assertion that Christian terms “Son”/”Logos” are abstract
3:53:45 Sang Penggugat intro
3:59:00 The Amen Podcast intro
4:00:00 Anam claims that fundamental Christian constructs are unnecessary
4:12:00 Lukewarm boat without a rudder – balance or lost?
4:21:00 Christ accused of healing by power of Beelzebub
4:29:15 Eric Blue intro
4:34:30 Eric Blue on I Corinthians 15
4:39:45 Israel Ramirez on Job
04:45:30 - David Wood (THA DIZZLE!) Joins : @apologeticsroadshow / @PhilosophyUnderground / @acts17polemics
4:55:00 David Wood (“Tha Dizzle!”) intro
4:59:30 David S. intro
5:03:45 Sister K. on Ezekiel 9
5:09:45 Sofia Almayat Indonesia intro
5:11:00 David S. on the Book of Numbers 15 (Atonement)
5:15:15 Surah 4:157 (Isa was not killed – “Substitution Theory”)
5:22:00 Surah 16:25 & Surah 29:12-13 (Islamic contradiction on baring sin)
08:39:06 - Asking Anam CRITICAL Questions
10:27:11 - Closing Prayer
MOST TIMESTAMPS PROVIDED BY Nicodemus Serpico of @nicodemusserpico77 !!!
Make sure to check him out and give him your thanks if you appreciated the easy chapters!
😊 Special thanks to my patrons, David Wood, Mark Innes, + Reasoned Answers!
😁 WANT TO HELP? Join here! patreon.com/ElleISOElohim
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