Reddit Witches Claim Trump is "Protected" From Their Spells


You read the title correctly. "Witches" on Reddit are claiming that Donald Trump is immune to their spells because he has some sort of "protection" around him.

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In this video, we explore the strange and hilarious world of REDDIT WITCHES attempting to CAST SPELLS ON DONALD TRUMP! These self-proclaimed witches on the WITCHES VS PATRIARCHY SUBREDDIT are trying to figure out why their SPELLS AGAINST TRUMP keep failing, and some believe it's due to his SPIRITUAL PROTECTION. Is it because of PRAYERS TO ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, or is there something else at play? We'll take a deep dive into the WITCHCRAFT COMMUNITY ON REDDIT, read through their wild posts, and discuss the intersection of DEMONIC ACTIVITY, SPIRITUAL BATTLES, and PRAYER PROTECTION in today's political climate. Get ready for a blend of HUMOR and the SUPERNATURAL as we investigate whether SPELLS AGAINST POLITICIANS really hold any weight.

But that's not all! We'll also cover the comments from these witches about their FREEZER SPELLS and their belief that TRUMP IS PROTECTED by a mysterious MAGICAL SHIELD. We’ll even dive into their chants, MAGICAL RITUALS, and the power of PRAYER as a type of SPELLWORK. Is there something real about the SUPERNATURAL FORCES these witches are dealing with? How does CHRISTIANITY explain this? Watch as we tie in interviews with EXORCISTS and uncover how the EXISTENCE OF DEMONS and SPIRITUAL WARFARE could explain it all. Whether you’re curious about REDDIT WITCHES, SUPERNATURAL BATTLES, or just want to laugh at some of the wildest things happening on the internet, this video has it all!

#Apologetics #Trump #witch


Cameron Bertuzzi

Capturing Christianity

Capturing Christianity

The Apologist Project

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