In the Beginning - 1


God's Fingerprints in Nature is a 6 week deep dive into some of the scientific evidence for the existence of God. We'll go on a journey from the beginning of time and looking out through a telescope to the incredible fine tuning that was necessary in the first second of the Big Bang and beyond and we'll culminate with the information rich complexity of how plants interact with the soil microbiome and how it provides extraordinary evidence for God.

Even though it will feel like a deep dive, we won't even scratch the surface of the mountains and mountains of evidence that God has given us for His existence.

Because I'm a farmer, a plant theme will be woven throughout all 6 weeks that sets the stage to show the incredible complexity and information rich communication systems between plants and the rest of the soil food web. We also have a non-profit, called Do Good Farm, that exists to end hunger and malnutrition by teaching people to grow their own food. We design all of our farms to accomplish two primary purposes. First, we want to be able to harvest food 365 days/year. Second, once a farm is up and running, it should produce food indefinitely. Perhaps the main key to regenerative and sustainable farming practices is closing waste loops, where waste from one thing becomes input to something else. Nature's ecosystems are brilliantly designed to do just that and so we are really just harnessing nature's ecosystems and using them to grow food.

In my opinion, the evidence for a brilliant designer is overwhelming when we look at farming and plants. Plants are necessary for all complex life and there is an incredible co-dependence and cooperation between many species of complex life forms that are necessary to sustain complex life.

I pray this class encourages you and increases the sense of awe and wonder we have toward God.

Maintained by Vine Apologetics.


Josh Taylor Ph.D.

Vine Apologetics

Vine Apologetics

The Apologist Project

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