From Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll to Jesus: A Hippie's Journey to Faith, with Chuck Girard


My dad has had truly one of the most interesting lives. As a successful studio singer in Los Angeles as a young adult, rubbing elbows with The Beach Boys, to becoming a hippie living in Hawaii, he encountered the gospel of Jesus Christ at a little country church after searching for God through Eastern Mysticism, LSD, and popular philosophies of the '60s. To order Alisa’s book, “Another Gospel”: This video is not sponsored. Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission. For all links to Alisa’s recommended reading, podcast studio gear and other items, visit the Alisa Childers Amazon Store at

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Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers

The Apologist Project

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