Dark Matter Antarctica Experiment | News of the Days


Join Hugh Ross in this breaking News of the Day episode of Stars, Cells, and God. Hugh interviews fellow RTB astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink while Jeff is in Antarctica. Jeff is part of a research team that’s preparing to launch a balloon loaded with instruments that will either detect dark matter particles or impose more stringent constraints that will guide future efforts to find the universe’s elusive dark matter particles. The quest to find dark matter particles is considered the holy grail for astrophysicists, with a Nobel Prize in the waiting for the discovery team.



Jeff Zweerink, “No Dark Matter Near the Sun—Oh Wait, We Found It,” reasons.org/explore/publicatio....

Hugh Ross, Designed to the Core, support.reasons.org/purchase/d....

PLAYLIST – Stars, Cells, and God


HOST: Hugh Ross

GUEST: Jeff Zweerink



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