Civilization Jihad Awareness with Paul Sutliff Jan.4, 2017
Civilization Jihad is the name of the war that was declared against North America in 1991 by the North American Muslim Brotherhood. Awareness is the best way to fight this war.
CJA's host Paul Sutliff isthe author of Civilization Jihad and the Myth of Moderate Islam and Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrate American Colleges. Paul is also one of the expert witnesses in the federal case against Gov. Nikki Haley and POTUS Barak Obama. His testimony lists several refugees and immigrants who were arrested or killed for terrorist actions.
Tonight we have Jim Delaney joining us. Jim Delaney is the former director of the Refugee Resettlement program through the Rochester, NY Diocese and Church World Services. Jim served in the Army as a Captain during Vietnam and went on to give back to his country by helping refugees in Southeast Asia find a home in America. Jim has moved from an avid supporter of the Refugee Resettlement Program to someone willing to aide the Refuge Resettlement Watch under Anne Corcoran. Jim is also the author of A PATRIOT'S CALL TO ACTION: Resisting Progressive Tyranny & Restoring Constitutional Order and has a blog at
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