Billy Carson goes on UNHINGED Rampage, DELETES Stream while we watch (Humiliating Podcast Aftermath)
Billy Carson has made a name for himself by going to big podcasts and bashing Christianity while claiming to be a Biblical scholar. Then he made a huge error and agreed to debate a real scholar, Wes Huff. How bad was it? Carson tried to sue the debate coverage out of existence and then in response video called it a "deep fake." You can't make this stuff up. Mary Harb joins me live to discuss.
Mary Harb can be found on YouTube here: @toomanymarys7355
Debate can be found here (repost, original deleted):
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Timestamps courtesy of @nicodemusserpico77
00:00:00 Oops
00:00:55 Start - Who is Billy Carson
00:05:00 What is the controversy?
00:14:00 B. Carson’s (alleged?) studies
00:17:00 B. Carson claims he’s God
00:24:25 B. Carson claims he’s a foremost expert on hermeneutics
00:29:05 "I'll bring the receipts"
00:35:35 B. Carson lies, about numbers, etc.
00:37:15 Doxing fabrication
00:46:35 B. Carson reveals his god
00:50:30 Why Christian apologists respond
00:53:00 B. Carson lies about Canadian authorities
01:03:35 B. Carson accuses Wes & Mark (& editor?) of set up
01:14:50 Implications of slander – was it a DEEP FAKE?
01:20:45 B. Carson’s biblical ignorance
01:23:40 B. Carson claims not allowed to speak
01:25:45 Jesus was not crucified; was married….??
01:33:35 video from the actual debate
01:41:00 Codex Sinaiticus, or “Sinai Bible?”
01:59:30 You see! Meet the cult
02:08:20 Sinaiticus & Barnabas
02:15:50 Edited out, or never got to speak, which is it??
02:19:40 You get a (lawsuit)! And you get a (lawsuit)! And….!
02:22:40 “Getting Billied!”
02:25:00 B. Carson appeals to Sheik Chat-GPT
02:40:45 Lingo-duo, Greek came from Latin??
02:49:55 It's waffle time
02:55:30 Atheist academic Karen King on the fabricated "Wife of Jesus"
03:11:35 The fabricated text, and its potential sources
03:22:25 Mo’ money, mo’ money! - B. Carson’s rebuttal –oi vey!
03:39:55 B. Carson’s evidence is fake but "WHO CARES!?!"
03:44:00 The good ol’ Council of Nicaea tripe
03:50:45 Wycliffe, why!? - "that garbage British"
04:02:35 Dead Sea Scrolls – the Illuminati are behind it all!
04:17:25 Discovery in a libel suit
04:35:55 Record dislikes!
04:47:15 B. Carson deletes (privatizing) his "response" live
04:51:50 Why Christianity is True
#DebateReaction #BillyCarson #WesHuff
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