Why Does God Allow Evil?
Greg answers questions about why God allows evil, whether denominations really matter, whether Matthew 16 says Peter was the first pope, and how Greg’s view on decision making and the will of God fits with passages in James, Ruth, and Esther.
Why does God allow evil? (00:00)
Does the denomination of a church really matter, and should Matthew 16 be interpreted as saying that whoever says Jesus is the Christ is part of the church, or is it saying Peter was the first pope? (24:00)
Can you explain how your view on decision making and the will of God fits with passages in James, Ruth, and Esther? (42:00)
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Related Links:
If God Is Good, Why Is There Evil and Suffering? by Amy Hall
What You Need to Know about Evil and Suffering by Amy Hall
One Way or Any Way? Part 1 and Part 2 by Greg Koukl
Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 by Greg Koukl
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