Rebounding from an Ice Age
Rebounding from an Ice Age
Earth has undergone approximately 25 ice age cycles over the last several million years, with 85 to 90% of that time spent in conditions much colder than the present warm period. Yet, every cold glacial period thus far has ended with a warm “interglacial” period similar to the present global climate. But why does this happen? What allows an Earth with a much higher percentage of ice and snow cover to recover from cold temperatures associated with the deep glacial periods of our recent past?
Links and Resources:
- The Last Glacial Termination
- The Relative Contribution of Orbital Forcing and Greenhouse Gases to the North American Deglaciation
- GRIP Deuterium Excess Reveals Rapid and Orbital-Scale Changes in Greenland Moisture Origin
- The Timing of Major Climate Terminations
- In and Out of Glacial Extremes by way of Dust-Climate Feedbacks
- Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Surface Conditions in the Southern Hemisphere
- Climate of the Past, Present, and Future: A Scientific Debate, 2nd ed.
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