Infallibility vs. Inerrancy


Greg talks about infallibility vs. inerrancy, then he answers callers’ questions about using more Bible in pro-life argumentation, what happened to Old Testament saints when they died, and how to know when to witness and when to use tactics.



  1. Commentary: Infallibility vs. inerrancy (00:00)

  2. How would you respond to the objection that we need more Bible in pro-life argumentation since God’s Word will not return void? (22:00)

  3. What happened to the Old Testament saints when they died? (31:00)

  4. When do we witness, and when do we use tactics? (40:00)

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Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Greg Koukl

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

The Apologist Project

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