Chromosome 2 Design | Bird Flight: Designed or Random


Join biochemist Fazale “Fuz” Rana and astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink as they discuss new discoveries with theological and philosophical implications pointing to the reality of God’s existence.

Fuz discusses the work of Chinese scientists who have identified the functional significance of the [genetic?] fusion event that seemingly generated human chromosome 2. This insight validates a key prediction of the RTB human origins model and adds credibility to the Bible’s description of humanity’s creation.

Jeff explains why scientists and engineers increasingly look to nature for inspiration to “build a better mousetrap.” Virtually every airplane in existence has a vertical tail that keeps the airplane on a straight line without rolling or spinning on its vertical axis. A recent study of how birds fly without a vertical tail reveals the sophisticated system of sensors, reflexes, and materials used to achieve “rudderless” flight. Far from a kludge job, such sophistication points to the work of a Creator who designed birds with this remarkable ability.

Links and Resources:

Incomplete Lineage Sorting of Segmental Duplications Defines the Human Chromosome 2 Fusion Site Early During African Great Ape Speciation

Bird-Inspired Reflexive Morphing Enables Rudderless Flight

Birdlike Robot Flies Steady Without a Vertical Tail

Thinking About Evolution, chapter 22, “Is the Watchmaker Really Blind?” by Fazale Rana

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Reasons to Believe: Stars, Cells, and God

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