Asteroids Making Land and UFOs and Christianity


Asteroids Making Land

Plate tectonics play a critical role in maintaining Earth’s capacity to support life. The crust of Earth’s surface is composed of large plates that continually move past and under one another. This process ultimately led to large continental landmasses that “float” on top of the denser oceanic crust. Recent research indicates that the asteroids may have played a role in starting the formation of continents, adding to the fine-tuning required for a habitable planet like Earth. 

UFOs and Christianity

UFOs have been a hot topic in the last few years with the recent military videos and congressional hearings. Such phenomena raise questions about whether there’s other life in the universe and what that means for Christianity. What could these UFOs be? Is there any connection between UFOs, alleged aliens, and the paranormal?


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Reasons to Believe: Stars, Cells, and God

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