#19 The NAR: Movement or Myth? With Dr. Doug Geivett, Holly Pivec, and Dr. Michael Brown


What is the New Apostolic Reformation? Is it a growing movement that is influencing and impacting the body of Christ or simply a myth? Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Doug Geivett, and Holly Pivec discuss and debate the relevant issues on today's podcast.

Internet sources used in the discussion:

Danny Silk "The Blessing in our Fathers": podcasts.ibethel.org/en/podcasts/th…in-our-fathers

Kris Vallotton: "Becoming an Apostolic People." krisvallotton.com/becoming-an-apostolic-people/

Brian Simmons on receiving "downloads" and a new chapter of the Bible, John 22: sidroth.org/television/tv-archives/brian-simmons/

Holly's article on Simmons revealing a new chapter of the Bible: www.spiritoferror.org/2016/08/nar-le…the-bible/6247

Books referenced by Holly:

Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God: God's End-Time Plans for His Church and Planet Earth, by Bill Haman

When Heaven Invades Earth, By Bill Johnson

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