#15 Orange Curriculum: An Urgent Warning to Churches


The Orange organization may be the most influential organization you’ve never heard of when it comes to church curriculum for the next generation. According to the Orange website, at thinkorange.com, they have 10,000+ partner churches, influence over 1 million kids and teens per year, and serve over 80 denominations. They also report that 49 percent of the fastest growing churches use Orange. We have long had concerns that this widely used curriculum is primarily moralistic (meaning it’s focused more on so called good values rather than on the Gospel) and that it’s becoming increasingly progressive. In today’s episode, we’ll focus on three recent events which we think demonstrate our continued concern—particularly about progressivism—and bring awareness to these issues.

Why is the Gospel Good News? Orange Leaders

Dan Scott, Director of Orange 252 Kids & Preteen Curriculum

Orange Resources on Racism

Neil Shenvi's review of "How to Be an Antiracist"

Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Natasha Crain


Alisa Childers

Unshaken Faith

Unshaken Faith

The Apologist Project

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