#11 How to Answer Your Kid's Toughest Questions About God: With Natasha Crain


The world our kids are growing up in is quite a bit different than the one we grew up in. Skepticism is on the rise, and our culture is becoming increasingly more hostile toward traditional Christian beliefs. With so much information at their fingertips, Christian kids are encountering objections to the Christian worldview at very young ages. How do we talk to our kids about the challenges they are facing at school and on the internet? How can we resist the urge to offer them superficial answers like "Just have faith," and engage them intellectually? National author, blogger, and speaker Natasha Crain gives some incredible advice for Christian parents on today's podcast.

Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers Podcast

Alisa Childers Podcast

The Apologist Project

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