Meet a Doctor Who Thinks Spirituality Isn’t Just All in Your Head


In a recent podcast at Mind Matters News (“Neurotheology and the brain,”#164), neurosurgeon Michael Egnor interviewed neurologist Andrew Newberg on what brain imaging can tell us about spirituality. Dr. Newberg has published a number of books on the topic, including How God Changes Your Brain (2009) and Why God Won’t Go Away (2008) Newberg began by clarifying that he is not trying to explain away anything. He is just trying to understand it. Andrew Newberg: First of all, for me, it is what I like to refer to as a two-way street. It is not just science looking at religion, it is not religion looking at science. It is both of them really looking at each other to help Read More ›


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J. Ed Komoszewski

Mind Matters

Mind Matters

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