You and Your Bible: An Introduction to The Word (ETA Certification Series)
4.70 out of 5 stars
The Bible's credibility, like any historical account, hinges on evidence. To establish its validity, one must demonstrate that it is significantly more likely to be true than not. As believers, it's essential to be well-versed in the Word of God. This comprehensive guide delves into the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, its preservation, and the reasons behind our faith. It also tackles common criticisms, the role of archaeology, and effective methods for studying Scripture. Table of Contents: Introduction Revelation and Inspiration The Old Testament: Understanding Its Origins The New Testament: Uncovering Its Roots Unraveling the Mystery of the Old Testament Authors Preserving the New Testament Preserving the Old Testament Addressing Bible Problems Confronting Higher Criticism Uncovering Archaeological Evidence in the Old Testament Effective Bible Study Methods Deepening Your Understanding of Scripture This core curriculum is a requirement for the Standard Church Ministry Certificate and an elective for Evangelical Training Association Certification coursework.
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