Worldviews in Conflict: Choosing Christianity in a World of Ideas

4.50 out of 5 stars


The book is meant to help Christians to develop a Christian mind, to think Christianly, and to make a difference in the world. In the grand arena of human thought, a fierce battle rages for the allegiance of humanity's heart and mind. This book, penned by Ronald Nash, presents a compelling case for the Christian perspective on God, self, and the world. Nash rigorously examines the Christian worldview through the lenses of reason, logic, and experience, tackling the thorny issues of evil and the perceived absurdity of Jesus' incarnation and resurrection. His conclusion? The Christian worldview emerges unscathed, and he urges believers to arm themselves intellectually to defend their faith in a world hostile to its claims. Nash also critiques the allure of naturalism and the New Age movement, exposing their flaws and pitfalls, as well as those of older ideologies. According to Nash, "Christian theism is a system that resonates with the whole person," yet he underscores the crucial distinction between intellectual assent and genuine faith. This book is a clarion call to Christians to cultivate a Christian mind, think Christianly, and transform the world around them.


Ronald H. Nash


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