World Religions in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic (Introductions in Seven Sentences)

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Delving into the beliefs and practices of diverse faiths is crucial not only for engaging in interfaith dialogue but also for deepening our understanding of our own spiritual heritage. In this concise volume, philosopher Douglas Groothuis employs a unique approach, using a single, thought-provoking sentence to distill the essence of each major world religion. These sentences serve as portals to the rich complexities of:Atheism, where "God Is Dead" resonates as a defiant declaration.Judaism, where "I Am Who I Am" echoes as a testament to divine mystery.Hinduism, where "You Are That" whispers secrets of the self.Buddhism, where "Life Is Suffering" confronts us with the stark reality of existence.Daoism, where "The Dao That Can Be Spoken Is Not the Eternal Dao" hints at the ineffable nature of truth.Christianity, where "Before Abraham Was, I Am" asserts a divine presence beyond the boundaries of time.Islam, where "There Is One God, and Mohammad Is His Prophet" affirms a unified faith.With empathy and discernment, Groothuis invites readers to embark on a fascinating and enlightening journey of discovery. The Introductions in Seven Sentences series offers concise and accessible primers to various academic disciplines, providing readers with a panoramic view of each field through seven carefully crafted sentences.


Douglas Groothuis


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