Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?

4.20 out of 5 stars


We often overlook the intricacies of faith, taking it for granted that the sun will rise, our food won't harm us, and our spiritual convictions are sound. But what drives our trust in these seemingly ordinary aspects of life? Why do we believe anything at all? In this thought-provoking exploration, James W. Sire delves into the reasons behind our beliefs, separating the superficial from the substantial. He then turns his attention to the Christian faith, examining both its most compelling evidence—the enigmatic figure of Jesus—and its most daunting challenge—the existence of evil. With candor and philosophical rigor, Sire tackles these questions head-on, offering a work that will unsettle skeptics and reassure those plagued by doubt.


Arthur Morey


James W. Sire


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