Who Was Adam: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Humanity

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In the quest to uncover the origins of humanity, two fundamental perspectives emerge: was Adam a product of natural processes still unfolding, or a unique creation? The original 2005 publication of Who Was Adam? tackled this intricate question, leveraging cutting-edge research from esteemed biochemist Fazale Rana and astronomer Hugh Ross. Their groundbreaking work explored areas such as junk DNA, the human fossil record, and genetic similarities between humans and chimpanzees. A decade on, this updated edition vigorously tests both evolutionary and creation models, incorporating significant breakthroughs in genetics and paleoanthropology. Has Reasons to Believe's biblically aligned model for human origins stood the test of time? Can human evolution be definitively declared a fact, or does a creation-based explanation offer a more scientifically compelling narrative?

Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Fazale Rana PhD


Joe Aguirre


Sandra Dimas


Hugh Ross Ph.D.


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