When There Are No Easy Answers: Thinking Differently About God, Suffering and Evil, and Evil

4.50 out of 5 stars


This book is a fresh perspective on the problem of evil and the nature of God's goodness, and offers practical advice for those who are walking through the dark times and for those who want to support them. The age-old conundrum of a loving God permitting tragedy in our lives often leaves Christians bewildered and struggling to reconcile their faith with harsh realities. We confidently assume we're prepared to face adversity, yet rarely expect it to strike. But when heartbreak does occur, despite our best efforts to follow God's will, do we truly mean our pleas for divine guidance, or do they only apply in times of prosperity and minor setbacks? John Feinberg intimately understands this dilemma. In 1987, his wife received a devastating diagnosis of an incurable, genetically transmitted disease, plunging them into a crisis of faith and forcing them to reexamine God's goodness in the face of suffering. Moreover, they discovered a glaring lack of understanding within their Christian community about how to support those in crisis. In When There Are No Easy Answers, Feinberg delves into the complexities of grief from every angle, drawing from his own journey. He tackles the question of justice, scrutinizes the nature of God, and affirms the reality of grace. By debunking traditional clichés and platitudes, particularly among ministry leaders, Feinberg offers alternative approaches that can genuinely comfort and encourage those struggling or grieving. This book presents a refreshing perspective on the problem of evil and God's goodness, providing practical guidance for both those navigating dark times and those seeking to support them.


John S. Feinberg


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