When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties

4.50 out of 5 stars


This authoritative guide provides a thorough and accessible response to every significant Bible conundrum, from Genesis to Revelation, upholding the integrity and divine inspiration of Scripture. Organized in a clear problem-solution format, the authors tackle over 800 questions and criticisms levied against the Bible. Three comprehensive indices – topical, scriptural, and addressing unorthodox teachings – offer swift and effortless navigation to your specific area of inquiry. This multifaceted volume is unparalleled in its scope and user-friendly design, effectively combining the resources of five books in one: a critical commentary on the entire Bible, an apologetics textbook, a reference guide to Bible difficulties, a theology manual exploring pivotal doctrines, and a handbook exposing cults' misinterpretation of verses. With "When Critics Ask," you'll be well-equipped to confidently articulate the hope that lies within you.


Thomas A. Howe PhD


Norman L. Geisler


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