We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong

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Twenty years have passed since same-sex marriage was illegal globally. Today, it's widely regarded as a fundamental human right. This seismic shift in Western values has unfolded at an unprecedented pace, marking a profound moral revolution. Dr. R. Albert Mohler delves into the cultural undercurrents driving this transformation, including the widespread acceptance of divorce, the decoupling of sex from procreation, the rise of cohabitation, and the growing visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals. Mohler then turns to Scripture and Christian tradition, offering a rich framework for Christians to build their personal lives, marriages, ministries, and cultural engagement upon. By examining the underlying dynamics of this cultural upheaval, Mohler equips Christians to navigate the complexities of faith, identity, and cultural relevance in a rapidly shifting landscape. He shows how believers can cultivate a biblical understanding of marriage and human sexuality, living out God's plan for humanity even as the world around them changes at an extraordinary pace.


R. Albert Mohler Jr.


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