Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing

4.60 out of 5 stars


It is high time that the Darwinist establishment, which has for so long dismissed its critics as unlettered and unsophisticated, acknowledge the intellectual substance of the opposition. In recent years, a chorus of dissenting voices has emerged, challenging the long-unchallenged dominance of Darwinism. In Uncommon Dissent, William A. Dembski, a mathematician and philosopher, has curated a collection of essays from leading thinkers who refuse to swallow the Darwinian narrative whole. These critics argue that the theory has become an ideological behemoth, impervious to rational scrutiny and hostile to dissenting voices. As Dembski notes, proponents of Darwinism often resort to ad hominem attacks, implying that anyone who questions the theory is either ignorant, stupid, or morally reprehensible. However, this bullying tactic has not silenced the growing ranks of scholars who dare to question the metaphysical underpinnings of Darwinism. The essays in Uncommon Dissent showcase the intellectual heft of these critics, who are not, as their detractors would have us believe, fundamentalist simpletons, but rather thoughtful, open-minded inquirers who pose searching questions about the theory's validity. The cumulative impact of their arguments is nothing short of bracing. It is high time for the Darwinian establishment to acknowledge the intellectual firepower of its critics and engage with their arguments in a spirit of genuine intellectual curiosity.


William A. Dembski


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