Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions
4.60 out of 5 stars
This book is a must-read for anyone who desires to grow in their faith and engage with the world around them.
We inhabit an era of unrelenting scrutiny, where Christianity is under intense examination. Yet, many Christians are unprepared to provide the thoughtful responses our culture and communities are crying out for. The disturbing reality is that numerous believers lack a deep understanding of the Bible and struggle to articulate answers to their own profound questions about their faith. Dr. Jeremiah Johnston's Christian Thinkers Society events have yielded over four thousand questions from inquisitive minds over six years, revealing six recurring categories of pressing concerns. In Unanswered, he confronts these lingering doubts that haunt believers but are rarely addressed in church, including...Why does God often seem eerily silent? How can we trust in Jesus' bodily resurrection, and what are its implications for us today? What must Christians grasp about suicide, mental illness, and their intersections? How should Christians respond to the allure of spiritual darkness and the paranormal? Why is biblical ignorance so perilous for Christians and the church? And, why do we experience suffering and pain? Unanswered will empower you with a thinking faith, equipping you to engage confidently with a skeptical world and avoid offering superficial answers. This book is an essential read for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and meaningfully interact with the world around them.
Maintained by The Apologist Project.
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