Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God: The Plantinga Project
4.70 out of 5 stars
In the realm of philosophical inquiry, a treasure trove of innovative arguments for the existence of God has long awaited discovery. Thirty years ago, the esteemed philosopher Alvin Plantinga hinted at their presence in a seminal lecture, "Two Dozen (or so) Theistic Arguments." Now, a diverse ensemble of scholars has unearthed and meticulously developed each of these provocative ideas, breathing new life into the pursuit of natural theology. This landmark volume, Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God, is a masterful exploration of the multifaceted nature of reality, unearthing evidence of the divine in the most unexpected corners of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and beyond. As a result, the boundaries of philosophical investigation are expanded, and the foundations are laid for a new generation of scholars to continue the quest for understanding.
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