Truth Changes Everything
4.60 out of 5 stars
In a world where personal truths have become the norm, America teeters on the brink of chaos. The notion that truth is relative has sparked unprecedented social unrest, a sense of purposelessness, and a crisis of identity. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a beacon of hope emerges. Dr. Jeff Myers delves into the remarkable stories of courageous Jesus-followers who stood firm on the rock of absolute truth, transforming their world in times of crisis. From championing human dignity and pioneering scientific breakthroughs to inspiring artistic masterpieces and shaping the course of education, politics, and justice, these trailblazers demonstrate the transformative power of truth. As our own era grapples with the consequences of moral relativism, this book offers a timely reminder that truth is worth fighting for, and that its pursuit can bring about a brighter, more hopeful future.
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