The Untamed God: A Philosophical Exploration of Divine Perfection, Simplicity, and Immutability

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In this book, Richards offers a comprehensive and systematic defense of classical theism, one that is both philosophically informed and theologically grounded. The book is a significant contribution to the ongoing debate regarding the nature of God and the Christian faith. It will be of great value to students, scholars, and theologians, as well as to all those interested in Christian theology and philosophy. The doctrine of God is a central concern of Christian theology. The classical theistic view of God as sovereign, perfect, immutable, and triune has been the dominant understanding of God throughout Christian history. However, this view has been challenged by various philosophical and theological critiques, leading some to question its coherence and relevance. In response, Jay Wesley Richards offers a comprehensive and systematic defense of classical theism, grounded in biblical norms and informed by philosophical analysis. By engaging with prominent thinkers such as Karl Barth and Charles Hartshorne, and addressing key issues like divine simplicity and immutability, Richards provides a robust and nuanced defense of the traditional Christian understanding of God. This book is a significant contribution to ongoing debates in Christian theology and philosophy, and will be of great value to scholars, students, and all those interested in exploring the nature of God.


Jay W. Richards PhD


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