The Problem of God: Answering a Skeptic’s Challenges to Christianity

4.70 out of 5 stars


The Problem of God: Wrestling with the Toughest Objections to Christianity Mark Clark, a former skeptic turned pastor, embarked on a quest for truth after his father's passing. Growing up in an atheistic household, he delved into science, philosophy, and history, only to find answers in the unlikeliest of places: Christianity. In his book, The Problem of God, Clark tackles the top ten objections to Christianity, addressing questions that have puzzled believers and nonbelievers alike. With a warm, persuasive, and humble tone, he responds to concerns such as the existence of God, the violent history of Christianity, the validity of Jesus' story, the trustworthiness of the Bible, and the relevance of Hell in modern times. Each chapter seamlessly weaves together theology, philosophy, and science to provide a comprehensive and accessible apologetic. Through engaging narratives and anecdotes, Clark presents a compelling case for Christianity, ultimately leading readers to confront the most daring assertion of all: Jesus' claim to be God and the only path to salvation.


Larry Osborne


Mark Clark


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