The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design
4.50 out of 5 stars
In a stunning exposé, Jonathan Wells reveals the cracks in the foundation of Darwinism, a theory that has long been considered sacrosanct. As the ACLU once defended the rights of Darwinists to teach evolution in schools, but now seeks to silence their critics, Wells asks a provocative question: Is Darwinism, like Marxism and Freudianism before it, headed for extinction? Delving into the heart of the debate, Wells examines the fundamental tenets of Darwinism and the evidence that supports and challenges it. He uncovers the fossil record's failure to produce transitional fossils, the Cambrian explosion's defiance of Darwin's theory, and the fabrications that have propped up the theory for so long. Turning to the theory of intelligent design, Wells presents a compelling case for its growing evidence in fields such as microbiology and astrophysics. He argues that the debate is not about science versus religion, but rather about the materialistic, atheistic assumptions that underlie Darwinism. With the courage of a whistleblower, Wells unmasks the truth about Darwinism, revealing its weaknesses and the real evidence that has been hidden from view. This groundbreaking book is a must-read for anyone who dares to question the status quo and seek the truth.
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