The Nature of Nature: Examining the Role of Naturalism in Science

4.60 out of 5 stars


This is a book that will be debated, discussed, and referenced for years to come. The intellectual and cultural wars now sweeping across the globe, pitting theism against atheism, conservatism against secular progressivism, dualism against monism, realism against antirealism, and transcendent reality against material reality, have reached a fever pitch in the scientific community. In this groundbreaking volume, The Nature of Nature, a diverse array of esteemed scientists, scholars, and public intellectuals – including three Nobel laureates – engage in a profound exploration of the fundamental nature of science and the universe. As they delve into the age-old question of whether the universe, life, and self-aware consciousness can be explained by material processes or immaterial forces, they uncover answers that will have far-reaching implications for the scientific endeavor, our understanding of human existence, and the course of our collective future. This is a book that will spark intense debate, fuel lively discussion, and remain a seminal reference for years to come.


Bruce L. Gordon


William A. Dembski


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