The Lie: Evolution (Revised & Expanded)

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In an era where faith is faltering, many Christians and seekers are questioning the reliability of the Bible. What's behind this growing skepticism? In this revised and expanded 25th-anniversary edition, Ken Ham sounds the alarm, warning that the church is teetering on the brink of a catastrophic crisis: the erosion of the Bible's authority and accuracy, starting from its very first verse. Ham also exposes how the unproven, unscientific theory of evolution is driving young people away from the Christian faith, and offers solid, biblical solutions to reverse this trend. The Lie uncovers the far-reaching consequences of compromising Genesis, including the redefinition of doctrine, the collapse of Christianity, and the justification of social ills like abortion and communism. By reclaiming the authority of God's Word, Ham shows how creation evangelism can be a powerful tool for sharing the whole gospel message. With the future of faith hanging in the balance, this Christian apologetic resource is a beacon of hope for churches, individuals, and Bible colleges seeking to strengthen their faith and leave a lasting legacy.


Ken Ham


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