The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism

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In the midst of a supposed war between science and religion, Edward Feser boldly challenges the notion that these two disciplines are fundamentally at odds. Instead, he argues that the real conflict lies between two philosophical frameworks: the classical teleological view, which posits that purpose and goal-directedness are inherent in the natural world, and the modern mechanical view, which sees the world as comprised of meaningless, purposeless particles in motion. Feser contends that the modern mechanical view, championed by the likes of Descartes and Hume, has never been scientifically proven and is, in fact, a philosophical interpretation masquerading as science. Furthermore, he asserts that this view has been perpetuated not by reason, but by political agendas seeking to undermine ecclesiastical authority and pave the way for a secular, liberal society. By exposing the flaws in this modern worldview, Feser reveals that it ultimately undermines its own rational foundations and, by extension, the very notion of morality. In contrast, the classical teleological view, rooted in the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas, finds powerful confirmation in contemporary biology, physics, and philosophy, and provides a rational foundation for morality and reason itself. In this thought-provoking work, Feser presents a compelling case for the vindication of the teleological vision and the religious worldview it supports.


Edward Feser


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