The Faith: What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters

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The Faith is a book that will challenge, inspire, and transform you. When the Christian faith is grasped in its fullness and communicated with authenticity, it radiates an infectious joy that beckons us to the kingdom of God, where sorrow is eclipsed by laughter and restless hearts find their ultimate purpose and belonging. At its core, the gospel is a testament to God's relentless pursuit of humanity, driven by an unwavering love for his creation. Yet, have we truly internalized this profound truth? For those who have dismissed Christianity as a bastion of intolerance, have they rejected the genuine article or merely revealed their own biases and misconceptions? And for those who claim the Christian mantle, have they genuinely comprehended the mission of Jesus, and do their actions and character authentically reflect his beauty and love? From the nature of God to the complexities of human existence, from the redemptive work of Jesus to the promise of God's coming kingdom, how well do we grasp the foundational tenets of Christianity and their far-reaching implications? The Faith is a clarion call for our turbulent times, a book that transcends denominational lines to speak to Christians and non-Christians alike. This seminal work by Chuck Colson and Harold Fickett is a deeply personal, thought-provoking, and transformative exploration of the timeless, central truths of Christianity that have inspired and sustained believers throughout the ages. Illuminated by vivid, real-life stories, The Faith reveals the essence of Christianity as a religion of hope, redemption, and beauty, challenging, inspiring, and transforming all who engage with its pages.


Harold L. Fickett Jr.


Charles W. Colson


Eric Metaxas


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