The Evidence for God: Religious Knowledge Reexamined

4.30 out of 5 stars


In the pursuit of proof for God's existence, where do we turn for conclusive evidence? Paul Moser presents a groundbreaking perspective on the subject, one that hinges on a morally robust and cognitively resilient form of theism. The evidence that emerges is not vague or theoretical, but rather morally and existentially provocative, challenging individuals to become living testaments to God's reality by embodying and reflecting God's moral character. Moser terms this phenomenon "personifying evidence of God," as it necessitates the embodiment of evidence within an intentional agent, such as a human being, thereby serving as inherent proof of an intentional agent. In contrast to skeptical, scientifically naturalist, fideist, and natural theological approaches, Moser also tackles the complexities of divine hiddenness, religious diversity, and widespread evil.


Paul K. Moser


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