The Elusive God: Reorienting Religious Epistemology

3.60 out of 5 stars


At the heart of this book lies a trio of profound questions that have captivated theologians and philosophers for centuries. Why, if God's existence is shrouded in mystery, should we even assume He exists? If He does, why does He remain hidden, especially if He desires to connect with humanity? And what are the far-reaching implications of this divine hiddenness for our understanding of God and the pursuit of religious knowledge? This book tackles these questions head-on, presenting a novel perspective on evidence and knowledge of the divine that boldly challenges skepticism about God's existence. The book's core argument is that evidence of divine reality should be intentionally accessible to humans, but only in a way that aligns with God's purposes of self-revelation. This paradigm-shifting insight revolutionizes our understanding of evidence and knowledge of the divine, necessitating a fundamental reorientation of religious epistemology that honors the character and purposes of a loving, authoritative God.


Paul K. Moser


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