The Creation of Self: A Case for the Soul
5.00 out of 5 stars
The Creation of Self, situated within the broader landscape of science-and-religion debates, boldly ventures into uncharted territory as the first comprehensive defense of a creationist perspective on personhood, positing that individuals are fundamentally singular souls rather than material byproducts of natural processes. Joshua Farris's groundbreaking argument critiques naturalistic views that attribute personhood to predictable, law-like patterns, instead contending that our unique, mysterious essence defies reduction to past events or material causes. By extrapolating from our intuitive sense of individuality, Farris constructs a rigorous, analytical case for the existence of the soul, necessitating a Creator capable of introducing novel, intentional entities into the world. This book provides a rich foundation for philosophers, theologians, and inquisitive thinkers to explore the concept of personhood as a religious reality, demonstrating why recent scientific challenges to the soul are ultimately unsuccessful and why a religious understanding of persons as souls must be taken seriously.
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