The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos

4.70 out of 5 stars


Unravel the mysteries of the universe and discover the harmony between science and faith. This comprehensive guide brings together over 45 expert voices to reveal the intricate design of creation, as evidenced by the latest scientific research. From the complexity of life to the order of the universe, the findings of scientists provide a powerful testimony to the existence of a creator. Explore the fascinating connections between scientific concepts and biblical accounts, and uncover the biases that often obscure the complementary nature of science and Christianity. With its in-depth analysis of the facts, research, and theories, this invaluable resource will equip you to make a compelling case for intelligent design and deepen your understanding of the world and its creator.


Joseph M. Holden


Casey Luskin MSc


Stephen C. Meyer


William A. Dembski


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