The Case for Aslan: Evidence for Jesus in the Land of Narnia

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The Chronicles of Narnia are a mystery, a reflection of the mystery of the Christian faith itself. This mystery is not a puzzle to be solved, but a reality to be lived. The Chronicles of Narnia are a gateway to the mystery of God. Was Aslan born from C.S. Lewis's crisis of faith, a desperate attempt to rekindle his dwindling confidence in Christ? Or did these "simple children's stories" conceal a profound vision, one that would ultimately surpass the rational Christianity he once espoused? Aslan's legend has only grown with time, beckoning readers through Lucy's enchanted wardrobe and into a realm where the very fabric of existence is woven. Here, the song of Aslan resonates, a clarion call to reimagine our world anew. The Chronicles of Narnia embody the enigmatic essence of Christian faith, a mystery that defies solution, yet invites us to partake in its transformative power. This fantastical gateway ushers us into the unfathomable depths of the divine.


David Marshall


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