Surveying The Evidence

4.90 out of 5 stars


This book will help you understand the evidence that supports Christianity and helps you to stand firm in your faith. Christianity's validity is often called into question, but the facts tell a different story. At its core, the Christian faith is built upon an unshakeable foundation of evidence and truth. In Surveying the Evidence, you'll delve into the compelling proof for God's existence and creation, debunking atheism and evolution in the process. You'll uncover the wealth of evidence that attests to the Bible's divine inspiration, uniqueness, and reliability. The book also presents a thorough examination of Christ's historical existence and divine nature, as well as God's redemptive plan for humanity. Whether you're a seeker of truth or a Christian looking to deepen your understanding, Surveying the Evidence provides a rich and informative study. This book will equip you with the knowledge to confidently stand firm in your faith and articulate the distinctives that set Christianity apart from other religions.


Wayne Jackson


Eric Lyons


Kyle Butt


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