Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell
4.30 out of 5 stars
Boa's clear, concise writing style makes this book accessible to readers of all backgrounds and levels of biblical knowledge.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Eternity, the Afterlife, and Death
The concept of heaven and hell is shrouded in mystery, with multiple words in the original biblical languages carrying distinct meanings. The number of heavens and hells is also a topic of debate, leading to a complex web of beliefs. Furthermore, the influence of other religions and philosophies has muddied the waters, making it challenging to distinguish between sound biblical doctrine and speculation, myth, and folklore.
In Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell, renowned author Kenneth Boa, known for his spiritual formation bestseller Conformed to His Image, offers a clarifying lens through which to view the Bible's revelations about heaven, hell, salvation, and judgment. This book will guide you in:
* Understanding why Jesus is the sole key to grasping the nature of heaven and hell
* Deciphering the diverse biblical terms for heaven and hell and their original meanings
* Separating fact from fiction regarding the literal or figurative nature of "the fires of hell"
* Discerning what Scripture reveals about heaven, and what remains unknown
* Gaining insight into God's judgment, including who will be saved and why
Prepare to have your preconceptions challenged! This book will empower you to set aside misconceptions and misinformation, instead embracing a precise, biblically grounded perspective on heaven and hell. Boa's lucid, concise writing style makes this book an accessible and enlightening read for individuals from all walks of life and levels of biblical knowledge.
Maintained by The Apologist Project.
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