Scripture and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Wayne Grudem

5.00 out of 5 stars


The contributors offer a rich tapestry of insights, challenging readers to deepen their understanding of and commitment to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. In an era where Scripture is increasingly disputed, questioned, and disregarded, the importance of upholding its authority and relevance cannot be overstated. Throughout his illustrious career, renowned theologian and author Wayne Grudem has dedicated himself to emphasizing the indispensable, all-sufficient, and central role of Scripture in Christian life and ministry. To honor his tireless efforts, a distinguished group of friends and colleagues, including John Piper, Thomas R. Schreiner, Sam Storms, Vern S. Poythress, John M. Frame, Gregg R. Allison, Erik Thoennes, and John DelHousaye, have collaborated on a collection of essays that delve into the core themes that have defined Grudem's life's work. This volume explores pivotal topics such as the essence of Scripture, its connection to doctrine, and its transformative power in life and ministry, serving as a powerful tribute to the timeless value of God's Word. The contributors weave together a rich and thought-provoking tapestry, challenging readers to recommit to the supreme authority and sufficiency of Scripture.


Darryl DelHousaye


Erik Thoennes


Owen Strachan


Ray Ortlund


C. J. Mahaney


Bruce A. Ware


Jeff T. Purswell


John J. Hughes


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